Kindergarten Program

Kindergarten TeachersView Our Kindergarten 2024-2025 Experience Presentation
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Today, kindergarten, a non-compulsory grade, has become more rigorous and requires more of children than it ever did .  Many local public kindergartens have class sizes are generally large - greater than 22 children and with a staff child ratio of 1:22. Under these conditions, classroom learning can be challenging, especially for the child who may need more support.

Research shows that all children benefit from a developmentally, appropriate full-day kindergarten program. A supportive kindergarten can afford children the academic learning time needed to prepare for the mastery of primary grade reading and math skills. Studies further show that kindergarten contributes to increased school readiness; higher academic achievement; improved school attendance; literacy and language development; social and emotional development; and a reduction in retention and remediation.

The Spotted Zebra has a private kindergarten program that:

  • Is developmentally appropriate and child-centered;
  • Is small and provides for individual attention;
  • Emphasizes language development, fine motor development and appropriate pre-literacy experiences;
  • Works closely with parents to share information about their child and their academic development;
  • Assess’ student’s progress through close teacher observation and the systematic collection and examination of each student’s work through the use of portfolios; and
  • Integrates its curriculum with that of local kindergartens so as to ensure a smooth transition to first grade.

The kindergarten classroom at the Spotted Zebra enrolls up to 15 children. Staffed with a Special Education teacher and a General Education Teacher, the Spotted Zebra is able to successfully meet the needs and the different learning styles of all children with such a low staff to student ratio. Additionally, the classroom enjoys the part-time expertise of on site therapists who can work with the children to promote language development and fine motor skills. The kindergarten curriculum addresses the New York State Education Department's early learning standards and is in alignment with the NYS curriculum expectations for 1st grade. The curriculum is thematic-based and hands-on and integrates all content areas, with a strong emphasis on writing, reading and math.

Our goal at the Spotted Zebra is to redefine the kindergarten experience and reach well beyond the basic kindergarten programs by offering flexible learning opportunities customized to each child's needs.